1412, 2023

Analyzing the Relationship Between Credit Card Delinquencies and Apartment Prices

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JACKSONVILLE, FL - One might intuitively expect a direct and immediate correlation, and this is largely what we found. We analyzed data from the Federal Reserve of St. Louis to examine the relationship between credit card delinquencies and the apartment [...]

712, 2023

Exploring the Relationship Between M2 Money Supply and Apartment Price Index

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JACKSONVILLE, FL - This article diverges from our typical analyses, which often seek clear correlations between economic variables that impact multifamily real estate. This week, we investigated the relationship between M2 money supply and the Apartment Price Index. The theory [...]

211, 2023

Charleston Price Parity Index and Population Growth: Key Correlations for Real Estate Investment

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JACKSONVILLE, FL - We examined Charleston's time series data on the Regional Price Parity Index (RPP) and Resident Population using raw data from the Federal Reserve. Our goal was to uncover economic trends and correlations that could inform future demographic [...]

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